John of God was able to carry out a variety of charitable activities with the support and help of so many good and generous people called benefactors. His way of begging attracted many people and they contributed lavishly. “Do good to yourself” was the cry heard on the streets of Granada. Even today his followers continue the same way of begging to perpetuate the Charism of Hospitality.

In India we have started the various charitable works by the generous help of people abroad. But to continue and develop these activities we need your spiritual and material support and co-operation. Following are the various ways you can help us materially to continue the healing ministry of Jesus Christ as followed by St. John of God and carried out by the Hospitaller Family of St. John of God.

1.     Remembering us in your daily prayers.

2.     Sponsoring Special Children.

3.     Sponsoring meals to the Children.

4.     Paying medical expenses of the children.

5.     Introducing us to others.

6.     Spending part of your time with us.

7. By transferring every month, a fixed amount to the below account.

8.  By transferring every year, a fixed amount to the below account.

Please mention the purpose and the address of the Donor. Attach also the copy of the Adhar Card. Bank Account Details:

Account name: SELD

Account number: 0779101016299

IFSC Code: CNRB0000779

Bank: Canara Bank

Branch: Manarcad

Contributions can also be made by cash, MO, DD, or Cheque to the address below.

SELD, St. John of God Centre

Annadivayal (KK Road),

Velloor P.O., Pampady,

Kottayam-686501, Kerala