Centre for

There has been a significant increase in the number of children and young people diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum, both nationally and internationally. Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how a person communicates and relates to other people. It also affects how they make sense of the world around them. Some people with autism are able to live relatively independent lives but others may have learning disabilities and need a lifetime of specialist support.

Over the past one and half decades we have been dealing with mentally challenged children, and in our experience, we have seen the number of Autism cases have been momentously increased over the last 3 years. At present we have around 40 Autistic children and we expect, it would be doubled in a couple of years. This growing number of Autism children in our centre has made us to think about a specialized approach to make considerable changes in their life. We realized their special needs and the significance of sensory integration techniques in autism spectrum disorders.

An expert centre for Autism was our dream project to make a difference in the field of special education and the dream has been actualized on 2 of October 2014 with the support of our well-wishers. The new Autism Centre was inaugurated by Bro. Vincent Kochamkunnel O.H.
The centre has a multi sensory room (which would make considerable changes in people with autism as it provides necessary sensory crops to meet their sensory needs), three individual therapy rooms and a recreation room. All the activities of the centre are coordinated by a qualified social worker and trained special educators carry out individual therapy and learning sessions.