Long Term
Residential Care


Mentally challenged people always stand as a separated group in the society. The St. John of God Centre has been running a special school since 1998 and witnessed so many pathetic and havoc conditions in the family as well as in the community. Family members of mentally retarded, especially parents, have worries and anxieties regarding their children.

Lifelong Care is an important issue while considering the present condition in the field of mental retardation. Parents agonize about their child’s future and their care after their lifetime. Family members or siblings are usually not willing to take care or deal with these people, as they need special and professional interventions.

In India, the National Trust Act 1999 gives provision for legal guardianship which assures the care of the child even after the death of parents. But it is not working properly and there is a chance for abuse and exploitation with regard to guardianship. We have witnessed many tearful incidents of children after the death of their parents. Even their siblings are not ready to give their share of property, but try to avoid them. It is a very sad situation and we understood that “Lifelong Care” is an answer to this issue. The term “Lifelong Care” means giving lifetime care and protection for the mentally disabled persons. In India so many institutions are being run by Governmental and Non-Governmental organizations to give care and protection for people with disabilities. But very sad to state that centres for the mentally challenged, especially providing Lifelong Care, are very few.

Since 2003 we have been maintaining an experimental project for elderly and mentally challenged persons to give lifelong care. We have studied its risk factors, problems, maintaining issues, etc. And from 2007 we had been thinking and trying to establish a project for the same purpose.

In March 2013, by the grace of the Almighty, we have inaugurated our dream project to provide quality care and protection for people who require lifelong service. The project is named as 'THARAVAD'. We are sure that this project will make fundamental changes in the lives of the mentally challenged and that of their parents, who will have peace of mind for the rest of their life.

Tharavdu is a specialized centre for those people who need lifelong care. There are 36 inmates living here at present. The facility is equipped with 49 rooms, dining hall, kitchen, auditorium, prayer hall, recreation room, vegetable garden, swimming pool, music garden and treatment room. Qualified nurses would be available for 24 hours in the campus and carers stay with the clients as well.

Services Provided:
1. Quality care and protection
2. Legal guardianship
3. Counseling for parents and siblings
4. Advocacy and social awareness
5. Psychological interventions by clinical psychologist
6. Recreational activities
7. Medical services
8. Psychotherapy
9. Pastoral care
10. Pain and palliative care
11. Sports and arts
12. Vocational training.